30 days of yoga week four – tridosha

For our final week of the 30 days of yoga, we come to the culmination of the three doshas in one: tridosha. This dosha brings into balance the elements of earth and water (kapha), fire and water (pitta) and air and ether (vata) within our being, each complementing and harmonising the other.

When the characteristics of kapha (earth) vata (air) and pitta (fire) are all clearly present within a person, their constitution is considered to be tridoshic. The 3 doshas combine together to complement one another to help create balance within, allowing tridoshic types to enjoy good health, a balanced temperament, varied activities and interests, clear thinking, refreshing sleep, and good memory.

But even when in balance, it’s important to understand that balance is not a static, still, permanent or fixed place of being – but rather a continuous and conscious responsiveness to the constant changes that life presents us with.

The art of cultivating balance is to navigate change with our inner resources and qualities. So at times we may need to call upon our fieriness (pitta) to counter outer elements or inner resistance. Or we may need to extend our roots (kapha) deeper to create more internal stability in times of personal insecurity or social unrest, or connect to our sense of clear direction (vata) to help us forge our way forwards.

For tridoshic types, the innate constitutional forces help to support each other to maintain a healthy equilibrium, however as with all dosha types imbalances naturally occur.

These can be experienced as anxiety or fear of uncertainty and although tridoshics can tolerate a variety of seasons and environmental conditions they can have difficulty in coping with sudden or extreme changes in weather, mood, behaviour or circumstance.

So how do we develop our skill to adapt and respond appropriately so we may re-find our own unique centre and balance? Listen and respond!

balancing pitta with lifestyle, diet + gentle practices
Often times we are too distracted by outer factors to hear the inner wisdom of the body. So it is important to tune in and listen to our body’s needs and contemplate what environment, what company, what activity, practice and pace today will help me find balance and a sense of centre?

Nature and following the seasons also helps to nurture our balance. When considering diet and lifestyle choose seasonal foods and pursuits that will align you with the time of year you’re in, for example warming activities (like walking and jogging) and warming foods (freshly cooked) in winter, cooling activities (swimming) and cooling foods (fruits and raw salads) in summer.

Also by observing nature and its seasonal changes we see that nothing remains the same – not even our balance and by letting go of one form, one place of balance we can move towards a renewal – a new balance.

Contemplation for this week
What practices, environments, activities and rhythms help you feel balanced and centred? How can we cultivate and nurture balance in our life?

Finally, click on the image above to watch week four’s video on YouTube on  tridosha.

The 30 days of yoga: ayurveda for health and well-being is taking place at triyoga from 01st – 30th November. Each week focuses on a different dosha with lifestyle advice and contemplations that you can feed into life, both on and off your yoga mat.

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